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Hong kong arrests in 2011-12 Source: Chinese police and media reports. No specific date or place for the arrest of a celebrity Source: Chinese police and media reports. No specific date or place for the arrest of a celebrity August 26, 2011 Source: Chinese police and media reports. No specific date or place for the arrest of a celebrity August 26, 2011 Source: Chinese police and media reports. No specific date or place for the arrest of a celebrity Source: Chinese police and media reports. No specific date or place for the arrest of a celebrity Source: Chinese police and media reports. No specific date or place for the arrest of a celebrity Source: Chinese police and media reports. No specific date or place for the arrest of a celebrity Source: Chinese police and media reports. No specific date or place for the arrest of a celebrity Source: Chinese police and media reports. No specific date or place for the arrest of a celebrity Source: Chinese police and media reports. No specific date or place for the arrest of a celebrity Source: Chinese police and media reports. No specific date or place for the arrest of a celebrity Source: Chinese police and media reports. No specific date or place for the arrest of a celebrity Source: Chinese police and media reports. No specific date or place for the arrest of a celebrity Source: Chinese police and media reports. No specific date or place for the arrest of a celebrity Source: Chinese police and media reports. No specific date or place for the arrest of a celebrity Source: Chinese police and media reports. No specific date or place for the arrest of a celebrity Source: Chinese police and media reports. No specific date or place for the arrest of a celebrity Source: Chinese police and media reports. No specific date or place for the arrest of a celebrity Source: Chinese police and media reports. No specific date or place for the arrest of a celebrity Source: Chinese police and media reports. No specific dat


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30 Март 2021

Широкая Масленица - празднуется в нашей стране очень ярко и весело. Всю неделю воспитанники узнавали от воспитателей, о традициях и обрядах русского народного праздника. Встречая весну, мы провели прекрасный праздник...

"Дети в нашем сердце"

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"Дети в нашем сердце"

           24 ноября мы отмечаем самый теплый и нежный праздник – День Матери. И где, как ни в детском саду, особенно важно уделить особое внимание этому дню. 22 ноября в...

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Середина октября - золотая пора осени! И как правило, именно в этот период во всех группах ДОУ педагоги организуют праздники. Праздники урожая, листопада и ожидания зимы. В младшей группе "Колокольчик"...

Он-лайн анкетирование

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